RAZZ CO Bb Clarinet Reeds Size 2.0 Box of Ten – Superb Quality & Tone-SOLD-

SKU: VRS120 Category:

RAZZCo Bb Clarinet Reeds

  • Bb Clarinet
  • Size 2.0
  • Box of 10
  • Cut from Premium Australian grown Cane
  • Superb Quality

RAZZCo (formerly Reeds Australia) RAZZ reed Clarinet reeds are  crafted from the highest quality seasoned cane. They are versatile reeds, designed to meet a variety of performance needs.

RAZZ Reeds offer fantastic value for money and have become the reed of choice for jazz players the world over. Good news also is that their great price and quality make RAZZ an excellent reed for beginners. RAZZ Reeds are hand cut from Premium Queensland Cane. They sound superb and our customers tell us that they last much longer than many other brands.

Made in Australia by RAZZco. Razz reeds were nominated as the Best Australian-made section in the Australian Music Association Awards for Excellence.

They compliment the full range of premium reeds manufactured by RAZZco see also Vintage and Passion reeds.

RAZZ Reeds are available from southcoastmusic.

Weight0.0022046226218488 kg