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Orange P P C 1 0 8 2 0 w a t t s p e a k e r c a b i n e t
s u i t s t h e o r a n g e m i c r o t e r r o r h e a d
The Orange PPC108 cab is ideal for building your own mini-terror stack and a perfect partner for the Micro Terror.
Orange’s specially-designed eight-inch speaker-loaded PPC108 cabinets can be used in conjunction with the Micro Terror for cute mini-stack bedroom or studio thrills.
The scaled down cab is available to purchase separately and its 8”speaker delivers a punchy tone and sound that has to heard to be believed.
Like all Orange speaker cabs, the Orange PPC108 is built to last, with rugged construction and attractive styling Orange’s Tolex and basketweave grill cloth, complete with the legendary crest and badge.
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Orange P P C 1 0 8 s p e c i f i c a t i o n s:
- Custom designed 8″ speaker for that classic British tone
- Cabinet Type : Straight
- Mono/Stereo: Mono
- Inputs/Through: 1 x 6.3mm (1/4″) phono
- Power: 20 Watts RMS
- Impedance: 8 Ohms
- Height: 10″
- Depth: 5.3″
- Width: 10.2″
- Weight: 7.7 lbs.
- One Year Warranty
O r a n g e P P C 1 0 8