Lick Library Jam with AC/DC



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SKU: RDR0202 Category:

Includes superb quality, live recorded backing tracks plus note for note transcriptions to eight of AC/DC s classic tracks, taught by Danny Gill

The hugely popular JAM with book and CD series has now been upgraded to a 2 DVD+CD format. Learn to play seven songs at your own pace in a series of easy to understand visual lessons on DVD. Once you have mastered the songs you can jam along with a professional session band. The complete backing tracks, recorded with live drums, bass, keyboards and rhythm guitar where applicable are supplied on CD in each JAM with title.

This superb 2 DVD set will teach you the monster riffs and rock infused blues soloing techniques that have kept AC DC at the top for over 25 years Learn each song and jam along with the CD: Thunderstruck, You Shook Me All Night Long, Back In Black, Highway To Hell, For Those About To Rock, Sin City and Whole Lotta Rosie.

Danny Gill is a former pupil of Joe Satriani, and co-author of the Musicians Institute Rock Lead Guitar series. His songs have appeared on numerous TV shows including The Osbournes as well as motion picture soundtracks such as Insomnia and Under Siege .

The JAM with guitar workshops are powerful learning tools that will not only help you extend your repertoire of licks and fills, but also challenge you to perform complete tracks, providing not only something to improvise with, have fun with and aspire to, but also an essential rehearsal method for gigs with a band that is always in time