Lee Oskar Harmonica Natural Minor Key of Dbm (D Flat Minor – also known as C Sharp Minor)
The Lee Oskar Harmonicas Natural Minor is an incredibly versatile harp that makes it much easier to play many musical genres that would otherwise be very difficult – if not impossible to play with standard Diatonic harmonica tuning. Even if a player could master the highly advanced techniques that would be necessary to play certain melodies, one still would not have the chords and Minor scale notes that the Natural Minor provides.
Natural Minor harps have a very bluesy, soulful sound that’s perfect for playing Minor Blues, Reggae, Ska, Latin, Funk, R & B, Hip Hop.
Model: 1910N – Labeled in 2nd Position – Green Label
About the Natural Minor Harmonica
Natural Minors are designed to be played in cross harp draw, not straight harp blow position. In cross harp, many of the draw notes can be bent and this allows for a much more expressive, fluid style of playing. Cross harp is a very popular style used by many harp players for today’s music.
This fabulous tuning is set up to play Minor music easily, without straining the lips, the lungs or the mind!
• Note: The key labeled on the Natural Minor Harmonica is indicated by playing from the (draw / inhale – Cross Harp / 2nd Position) .
• Natural Minors can be played in 2nd Position (Cross Harp), to achieve the Natural Minor scale and the relative Major Scale.
• Starting from blow (1st Position / Straight Harp) you are playing in a Dorian Scale.
• 2nd Position / 1st Position key labels are identified at the ends of the comb.
In 2nd Position, many of the draw notes can be bent and this allows for a much more expressive, fluid style of playing. 2nd Position is a very popular style used by most players for today’s music.
Natural Minors are key-labeled in 2nd Position.
This makes it easy to know which key of Natural Minor to use.
To play Minor music in the key of G minor, in 2nd Position, use a Gm Natural Minor harmonica. It’s that simple! Gm for Gm.
Or to play in the key of A minor, in 2nd Position, use a Am Natural Minor harmonica. Am for Am… etc.
Natural Minors provide five flatted notes for playing Minor music.
If you want to play “minor” BLUES and ROCK, LATIN, REGGAE, HIP HOP music, we recommend that you purchase a Natural Minor.
Lee Oskar Harmonicas
Lee Oskar harps are crafted in Japan by Tombo to Lee’s exacting standards. A seasoned recording and touring professional, Lee Oskar had a radically different vision for the humble mouth organ, also known as the harmonica or, harp.
Incorporating new techniques and materials, Lee Oskar introduced his new harmonica to the world in 1983.
The cornerstone of his design is the smooth plastic comb that doesn’t swell like traditional wooden combs. This feature alone was a game changer.
Another first was making affordable replacement reed plates readily available allowing Lee Oskar’s harps to be easily refurbished.
Harmonica reeds can be easily damaged and this innovation means that you no longer need to toss out a harmonica because a reed or two has gone south.
Replacement reed plates are available for every model in the Lee Oskar harmonica lineup and installation is easy since they mount to the comb with just three self tapping screws.
Lee Oskar designed his reed plates with wide chambers and narrow dividers for faster, easier playing. A precision molded, recessed bed holds the reed plate securely to prevent air leakage and project a bigger sound. The corrosion proof, stainless steel cover plates are also engineered for excellent projection and tone. Replacement cover plates are also available.
Lee Oskar harmonicas are tuned to 441 plus Hertz for a brighter sound. With equal tuning by octaves, Lee Oskar harps have excellent intonation for blowing highly articulate, single note leads.
Lee Oskar Natural Minor Harmonica
• Designed by a Harp Master
• Crafted in Japan
• Plastic Comb
• All key components are replaceable
• L140cm x W42cm x D16cm