JJ Electronic EL84 Power Tubes (Matched Quad – 4 x Valves)


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JJ Electronic EL84 Power Tubes (Matched Quad – 4 x Valves)

A.F. OUTPUT PENTODE – EL84 is an output pentode for use in guitar and Hi-Fi amplifiers. It has a noval base and maximum plate power of 12W.

Changing the Valves (Tubes) is often overlooked – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! right? Not always. Changing your amplifier’s valves can breathe new life into your tone. A good analogy is shoes – you don’t realise how worn out the old ones were until you slip on a new pair. JJ Electronic valves offer exceptional quality and tone.

The Technical Stuff:


• Uf = 6,3 V
• If = 0,760 A

Typical Characteristics:

• Ua = 250 V
• Ug2 = 250 V
• Ug1 = -7,3 V
• Ia = 48 mA
• Ig2 = 5,5 mA
• S = 11,3 mA/V
• Ri = 40 kΩ
• µg1/g2 = 19

Class A1 Amp:

• Ua = 250 V
• Ug2 = 250 V
• Rk = 135 Ω
• Ia = 48 mA
• Ig2 = 5,5 mA
• Ra = 5,2 kΩ
• Ug1eff (50mW) = 0,3 V
• Ug1eff(N) = 4,3 V
• N (10%)1) = 5,7 W
• N 2) = 6 W

Limiting Values:

• Ua = 300 V
• Wa = 12 W
• Ug2 = 300 V
• Wg2 = 2 W
• Ug1 = -100 V
• Ik = 65 mA
• Rg1 = 1 MΩ for automatic bias
• Rg1 = 0,3 MΩ for fixed bias
• Uk/f = 100 V


• cg/k = 10 pF
• ca = 5,1 pF
• cg/a = 0,6 pF
• cg1f = 0,15 pF

Based in the Slovak Republic, JJ Electronic is a world-renowned manufacturer of vacuum tubes, electrolytic capacitors and high-end audio amplifiers. Founded in 1993 by Jan Jurco, a small garage business has grown to become a well known and respected in music industry.

JJ vacuum tubes and capacitors are widely used in guitar and audio amplifiers, recording studio equipment and in a variety of applications for audiophiles.

JJ Electronic offer more than 35 preamp, power and rectifier tubes. All tubes have been developed by their in-house research and engineering teams. In addition, they manufacture electrolytic capacitors for different voltages, both radial and axial types. Today, JJ Electronics’ manufacturing program also includes a number of high-end audio and guitar tube amplifiers. Every one of their products are the result of diligent research in the audio field and its continual application into manufacturing.

Every component used in the production of vacuum tubes is manufactured in-house. This enables JJ Electronic to have complete quality control of every part of the manufacturing process. All materials used in tube and capacitor production undergo a meticulous cleaning process such as ultrasonic cleaning, annealing in protective atmosphere and reactive rinsing. The assembly process is carried out by a combination of meticulous manual operations and state-of-the-art production processes.

All vacuum tubes and capacitors go through an extended burn-in period to ensure superior stability. A rigorous final test for tubes and capacitors verifies every important parameter. In particular, the parameters for flawless tube functioning include insulation characteristics, vacuum level, cathode emission efficiency, filament voltage, plate currents, and microphonics. The quality control process includes several thousand hours of reliability testing on samples of tubes and capacitors.

The use of their own tubes and capacitors in their line of audio amplifiers, allows JJ Electronic to continually verify their quality and performance in practical everyday applications.