Since 2001, Eastwood™ has been creating some of the most exciting Electric Guitars the world has ever seen!

Their RADICAL VINTAGE REMAKE series feature a variety of models based on popular sixties designs – from the classic Mosrites to our top-selling AIRLINE – they capture the excitement and style of the originals and a time when Rock was young, fresh, innovative and not afraid to take risks.

It’s a fact that each year the prices of the originals skyrocket – they are getting harder to find and harder to play! Eastwood™’s focus is to make top quality replicas (we prefer to think of them as amazingly playable tributes) – that cost less and play better – so the average musician can experience the excitement of playing one of these beautiful vintage guitars as their every day player.


Eastwood in Australia

You know the old saying, “a river always finds it’s own level”. With Eastwood it’s simple. In Australia as indeed the rest of the world, the influences of our Contemporary and Rock Music culture are drawn from the United States so its only natural that our musical tastes gravitate towards there.

There are so many guitar brands from the past that have all but disappeared and those that can remember seeing them on some obscure TV show like Hullaballoo, Rock Arena, GTK or Happening ’69 could be forgiven for asking “where are they now?” and “where did they go?”.

The truth is that many of those funky looking guitars simply disappeared because they were absolute crap – they looked cool but played and sound very ordinary. The reality check tells us that the far East (Japan and Korea) showed the US of A how to build guitars…you cannot deny it.

So…Eastwood, why? We have loved those weird shapes, funny thing is that most times we were doodling on the inside back page of our math book, we were drawing these guitar shapes.

The difference between these Eastwood Guitars and the originals is that these guitars work…simple as that. They look cool, play like little devils and sound awesome.